Hope I'm this cool when I'm 80.

Funkiness and octogenerians don't have to be mutually exclusive.

I think this could only happen in Berlin though. The city where you could wear anything at all, and you would fit in. Seriously, anything goes here. Emo, goth, punk, street übercool, preppy, don't-care, fashionista/fashion victim, indie, bohemian. Or a mix of all of them. All at once. I haven't seen that in any other city. Ok, yes, I have seen all of that in other cities, but not all at once, and not without some strange looks and negative comments from passers-by.

Anyways, to the point. U Bahn Johannisthaler Chaussee, south-eastern Berlin, 13.45 today. I'm on the way to my local WiFi cafe. I get off the bus, head down to the platform, and join the throng of people waiting for the train, passing the time by surfing through tracks on my iriver, day-dreaming and people-watching...

I glance toward the stairs coming down from the street above, and see a pair of stockinged feet in navy Chuck Taylors. Nothing unusual. I turn my head the other way, then look back a moment later. Walking past me is a grey-haired lady around my grandmother's age, immaculately dressed in a scarlet red jacket and skirt, a complementary silk scarf around her neck, her jewellery and makeup elegant and stylish.

And navy Chuck Taylors on her feet.

As she walks further down the platform, she attracts the attention of most of the others on the platform. Some raise their eyebrows, others nudge the person beside them and subtly (or not so subtly) point.

I, like the others, watch her continue down the platform. Yet unlike the others, mine is an expression of deep admiration and respect.

I can only hope that I'm that cool when I'm 80. You go, Oma.


Anonymous said...

Hey... I love reading your blog Jen. Hope you post more soon... makes me miss Europe, and especially north Germany so much!!! Jo xox

Anonymous said...

Go funky Nanna, indeed!

(PS - some more posts, missy - I miss reading your exploits!)